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Type Aliases


Type Aliases

AttachedPage: Page & AttachedPageMetadata
BrowserOverrideCallback: WorkspacePlatformOverrideCallback
BrowserSnapshotWindow: OpenFin.WindowCreationOptions & BrowserCreateWindowRequest

A window that is part of a browser snapshot.

The payload received by a Custom Action. The callerType property can be used to determine what data is available in the payload and cast accordingly. When callerType == CustomActionCallerType.API, the payload is defined by the code directly invoking the action.

OpenGlobalContextMenuPayload: OpenGlobalContextMenuRequest & { identity: OpenFin.Identity; template: GlobalContextMenuItemTemplate[]; callback: any }

Payload received by the openGlobalContextMenu provider override.

OpenPageTabContextMenuPayload: OpenPageTabContextMenuRequest & { identity: OpenFin.Identity; template: PageTabContextMenuItemTemplate[]; callback: any }

Payload received by the openViewTabContextMenu provider override.

OpenSaveButtonContextMenuPayload: OpenSaveButtonContextMenuRequest & { identity: OpenFin.Identity; template: SaveButtonContextMenuItemTemplate[]; callback: any }

Payload received by the openSaveButtonContextMenu provider override.

OpenSaveMenuRequest: { x?: number; y?: number } & ({ id: string; menuType: SaveModalType.SAVE_PAGE | SaveModalType.SAVE_PAGE_AS | SaveModalType.RENAME_PAGE } | { id?: never; menuType: SaveModalType.SAVE_WORKSPACE | SaveModalType.SAVE_WORKSPACE_AS | SaveModalType.RENAME_WORKSPACE })

Request to create a save modal.

OpenViewTabContextMenuPayload: OpenViewTabContextMenuRequest & { identity: OpenFin.Identity; callback: any }

Payload received by the openViewTabContextMenu provider override.

PageLayout: LayoutExtended & { layoutDetails?: PageLayoutDetails }
PageWithUpdatableRuntimeAttribs: Page & Pick<AttachedPage, "hasUnsavedChanges">
ToolbarButton: ShowHideTabsConfig | LockUnlockPageConfig | CustomBrowserButtonConfig | PreDefinedButtonConfig

Buttons on the left of WindowStateButtonOptions

Buttons to the top far right of Browser

WorkspacePlatformOverrideCallback: OpenFin.OverrideCallback<WorkspacePlatformProvider>

Extend or replace default functionality in order to customize behavior of a Workspace Platform Provider.

To implement your own handlers for Workspace Platform behavior, extend the provided class and override any methods you'd like to alter.

import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';
import { UpdateSavedPageRequest } from '@client-platform/shapes';

const overrideCallback: WorkspacePlatform.WorkspacePlatformOverrideCallback = async (
) => {
class Override extends WorkspacePlatformProvider {
// ovrride default behavior of updateSavedPage
updateSavedPage = async (req: UpdateSavedPageRequest): Promise<void> => {
console.log(`saving page ${req.page.pageId}`);
// calling custom function to the save page here

// add a custom menu item in Global Context Menu
openGlobalContextMenu(req: WorkspacePlatform.OpenGlobalContextMenuPayload, callerIdentity: any) {
return super.openGlobalContextMenu(
template: [
label: 'Sample custom global option',
data: {
type: GlobalContextMenuOptionType.Custom,
action: {
// This action needs to be registed in customActions property in the call WorkspacePlatform.init
id: 'sample-custom-global-menu-action'

// add a custom menu item in View Tab Context Menu
openViewTabContextMenu = async (payload: OpenViewTabContextMenuPayload, callerIdentity) => {
return super.openViewTabContextMenu({
template: [
label: 'Sample View Tab Context Menu',
data: {
type: ViewTabMenuOptionType.Custom,
action: {
// This action needs to be registed in customActions property in the call WorkspacePlatform.init
id: 'sample-viewtab-action',
customData: 'Custom View Tab Action'
}, callerIdentity);

// add a custom menu item in Save Context Menu
openSaveButtonContextMenu = (req: WorkspacePlatform.OpenSaveButtonContextMenuPayload, callerIdentity: OpenFin.Identity) => {
return super.openSaveButtonContextMenu(
template: [
label: 'Save custom option',
data: {
type: SaveButtonContextMenuOptionType.Custom,
action: {
id: 'sample-custom-action-name',
customData: {
someProp: 'Save Button task'
return new Override();

await WorkspacePlatform.init({
browser: {
title: "My Workpace Platform"
customActions: {
'sample-custom-global-menu-action': (payload: CustomActionPayload) => {
alert('This custom action works ' + JSON.stringify(payload));
return 'someresponse';
'sample-viewtab-action': (payload: ViewTabCustomActionPayload) => {
alert('This custom action works ' + JSON.stringify(payload));
return 'someresponse';


  • Initilaize a Workspace Platform.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const customThemes: WorkspacePlatform.CustomThemes = [{
    label: "OpenFin's Custom Theme",
    palette: {
    // Required color options
    brandPrimary: '#F51F63',
    brandSecondary: '#1FF58A',
    backgroundPrimary: '#F8E71C', // hex, rgb/rgba, hsl/hsla only - no string colors: 'red'

    const overrideCallback: WorkspacePlatform.WorkspacePlatformOverrideCallback = async (
    ) => {
    class Override extends WorkspacePlatformProvider {
    async quit(payload, callerIdentity) {
    return super.quit(payload, callerIdentity);
    return new Override();

    await WorkspacePlatform.init({
    browser: { overrideCallback },
    theme: customThemes


    Returns Promise<void>

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